REHAB Training ProgramS


From Powerless to Powerful.
Start moving with confidence and feeling good again

  • Stuck seeing practitioners every week with minor improvements?
  • Tired of constantly needing manual therapy?
  • Wondering how to get out of the pain-treatment-pain cycle?
  • Wishing rehab was fun, easier and far more effective?

Overcome pain, trust your body and get stronger with this new way of training and moving through rehab.

Rehab like you’ve never experienced

How is this method different from standard therapies?
It’s a combination of Myotherapy and Personal Training in a custom plan for your body, lifestyle and goals. Giving you a clear structure with a set focus mapped out for each step including the future beyond our time together.

Say goodbye to going home with a list of boring exercises that you’ll dump on your desk and forget about. Or wondering if you’re doing an exercise right because you forgot what they said during your session.

Between our face-to-face sessions, I’ll be contacting you to check on your progress, make sure you know what you need to do and be your cheerleader. together.

In sessions, we’ll chat about your week because what’s happening in your life plays a big role in how your body is feeling. Getting to know you is one of the reasons I love what I do – because there’s no one like you!

Your sessions are designed just for YOU and what you prefer. From letting you choose the music in the studio to helping you breathe through those tough moments, my focus is 100% on your needs.

This is your safe space to move through pain and grow stronger with caring, considerate and knowledgeable guidance.

Your recovery.
Your choice.

Some practitioners have one way of treating a problem and they use it for every client, no matter how it’s working for you.

Myostrengthperformance doesn’t work that way.

Instead, your programming is based on your needs and how it will fit within your lifestyle. I consider all of the factors influencing your training such as:

  • Your schedule
  • Family commitments
  • Social commitments
  • Your mindset
  • Your past experiences

A thoughtful, well-planned program means you’ll not only be able to stick with it but you’ll start to see real results too.

Detailed programming

Customised programming to meet your needs and set goals.

At-home strategies

Gain the independence to manage your exercise and pain levels on your own.

Intuitive coaching

I tune into what you say (and what you don’t say) to create a clear picture of what’s happening for you.

Easy conversations

Feel comfortable opening up and sharing how you’re feeling about rehab and training.

High-level support

I’m with you every step of the way. We’ll navigate and adjust through whatever life throws at you to stay consistent so you start to see and feel longer-lasting changes.



For those that are currently training, but need a structured plan with guidance
  • An online personalised rehab program
  • Weekly check-ins
  • Ongoing feedback and opportunities to send videos of training or questions online via an app
  • Back-up plans in case of a flare-up
  • Strategies and tools to implement to help with external factors such as sleep, stress, work etc.

Claimable on private health Insurance

Most Popular


For those seeking long term results and ongoing support
  • Monthly face to face sessions
  • An online personalised rehab program
  • Weekly check-ins
  • Ongoing feedback and opportunities to send videos of training or questions online via an app
  • Back-up plans in case of a flare-up
  • Strategies and tools to implement to help with external factors such as sleep, stress, work etc.

Claimable on private health Insurance


Same incredible results, with extra support and accountability
  • 1x 60 min Face to face session each week
  • An online personalised rehab program
  • Weekly check-ins
  • Ongoing feedback and opportunities to send videos of training or questions online via an app
  • Back-up plans in case of a flare-up
  • Strategies and tools to implement to help with external factors such as sleep, stress, work etc.

Claimable on private health Insurance

Discover which option suits you best.


This suits you if:

  • Pain dominates your life and you feel stuck with it.
  • Every day you hope it’ll somehow get better but it doesn’t.
  • Past experiences with other practitioners have left you feeling helpless, disappointed and like nobody understands.
  • You’re tired of not being heard.
  • Your GPs assessment was so blunt and final – you’re afraid to do any physical activity.
  • Relying on medications, needing surgery or limiting your movement feels like the only option left.
  • You miss being active and being able to do what you love.

You need a different program if:

  • You’re happy to rely on massage for ongoing treatments
  • You don’t want to make the change or commitment to a structured plan
  • You’re already training and just need some general advice or pain management adjustments

Discover which option suits you best.

Why combine Myotherapy with
Personal Training?

I’ve been where you are.

You never really understand pain until you’ve experienced it first-hand. I get the mental strain your pain is costing you. How you’re afraid to do stuff with mates because you don’t know if your body can handle it. How exhausting it is, constantly trying to just manage your body – instead of enjoying it!

Because I understand what it’s like, I’m bringing everything I’ve learnt about how to break through pain to share it with you.

To teach you about managing your pain and overcoming it. To flip your perspective and allow you to see that change IS possible. To give you a better understanding of the pain you’re experiencing and how to handle it. By understanding your situation and how to achieve your goals, you’ll realise that you CAN move pain-free again.

Whether you want to return to playing basketball with your mates or get down on the floor and build Lego with your kids.

It’s all achievable with the right attitude.

Keeping a positive mindset is a whole lot easier when you have the right person to support and guide you through your rehab journey.

Which is why my clients choose me, Steph, to help them.

Also because I’m pretty fun to hang out with. For me, it’s not about prescribing boring old exercises and watching you do them. Rehab and dealing with pain are hard enough as it is. 

Why would you want to go to a place that doesn’t make you laugh or smile?

I want you to feel happy and hopeful when you walk out!

My focus is to make it as enjoyable as possible while educating you along the way. 


No, you can either train at your current gym, at home or with me at my Preston studio (for an additional fee).

I understand sometimes unavoidable things come up (like getting sick). Giving 24 hours notice prior to the session means we can find a time during the week to make it up.  If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice, it may result in the session being lost for that week.

Yes, if your insurance covers Myotherapy services, you can claim it.

No, you don’t need a referral. I’ll assess your movements, discuss your past injuries and get all the details I need to make sure your program is safe and suited to you.