Hey guys, i’m Steph!

As much as I love my job, there are also a lot of other things I love to do! When I’m not playing with my doggos you will find me re-learning how to skate ( and falling many times) or in the kitchen baking.

I am extremely passionate about empowering individuals to overcome pain through movement and to give individuals the confidence and strength to achieve their goals.

I grew up playing soccer and I was dedicated to being the best player I could be. But that was hard when I didn’t know a think strength training. I was never taught the importance of it for athletic development and minimising injuries.

I wasn’t comfortable to try a busy gym on my own because I didn’t know where to start or what exercises I should be doing.

Thankfully, you don’t need to struggle the way I did. This was part of the reason I become a coach.

To provide guidance and education around strength training for general health, well being and performance goals.

from recovery to strength

I want to change how you view rehab and pain. 

i've been there.

Frustrated because you’re not getting results.

Losing confidence in your clinician because nothing is changing. 

Fearing movement because you worry you will do more harm. 

Considering medication, injections or even surgery because you feel like there’s no other option. 

I’ve been there. You never really understand pain until you’ve experienced it first hand. 

So i’m here to take what i’ve learnt and share it with you all. To teach you about managing your pain and overcoming it. To flip your perspective and allow you to see that change is possible. To give you a better understanding of the pain you are experiencing and how we can overcome it. 

By understand your situation and how to achieve your goals, You’ll realise that you can move pain free again.

Whether you want to return to playing basketball with your mates or get down on the floor and build Lego with your kids. It’s all achievable with the right attitude.

Keeping a positive mindset is whole lot easier when you have the right person to support and guide you through your rehab journey. 


Working through pain and knowing how to manage it isn’t easy.you’ll feel like every time you start making progress you hit a set back and it makes you feel like giving up.I’ll give you the support and reassurance you need to keep going. Our set backs are never the end of the road, just a speedbump on our path.


Because I understand how it feels and I’ve dealt with the frustration of long-term pain, I actually take the time to listen to you. By discussing your lifestyle and personal struggles I’m able to create a treatment plan we both agree on to suit your Condition. I want you to feel heard and it’s important to me that the treatment plan aligns with what will work best for you.


Empowerment means giving you the support and tools you need to be the best version of yourself. You’ll gain the confidence to keep pushing forward. The belief that you can turn the corner, move again and be pain-free. And you can do it all on your own! You have all the answers, you just need the right support, direction and guidance to get there.

let's work together!